
THE HIGH COURT AT CALCUTTA APPELLATE SIDE EMPLOYMENT NOTICE Applications are invited for recruitment to the posts of Court Managers, in the consolidated remuneration of Rs. 50,000/- per month

No.  2125 - RG.                       Dated,Calcutta, the 6th June, 2013

Applications  are  invited  for  recruitment  to  the  posts  of  Court  Managers,  in  the consolidated remuneration of Rs. 50,000/- per month with provision for 3% enhancement in each year, subject to satisfactory performance of duty.  The salary is to be paid out of the fund earmarked by the Thirteenth Finance Commission. The appointment will be on contract basis for two years extendable thereafter at the discretion of appropriate authority but shall not confer any right  on the  appointee  for being  made  permanent  in  the  said post or any  other  post.  The appointment will be on full-time basis and during the tenure of appointment, the Court Manager shall  not  be  entitled  to  take  up  any  other  employment,  either  part-time  or  otherwise.  The recruitment shall be made strictly following the provisions of “The Calcutta High Court Service (Conditions of Service and Recruitment of Court Manager) Rules, 2012” amended from time to time.

2.  No. of Vacancies :22 (twenty two). - One in each District of West Bengal, one in
                                    Andaman & Nicobar Islands and two in the High Court at Calcutta.
3.  Qualification and Experience :
The Candidate for appointment to the post of Court Manager –

(i) must be citizen of India;
(ii)  must not have been convicted of an offence involving moral turpitude;
(iii) must be possessing sound health;
(iv)  must be Graduate in Science-Mathematics, Statistics, Engineering / Technology with MBA or Post Graduate Diploma in Management;
(v)   must have 2 years’ working experience in general management; 
(vi)   Desirable qualification : Experience of work in IT environment / knowledge of computer applications and processes; and  
(vii) must have excellent communication skill.

4. Age :
No person who has not attained 25 years and crossed 35 years of his/her age shall be considered, nor be appointed as Court Manager, on the date of Notification of the instant Employment Notice. However, in case of Scheduled Caste/Scheduled Tribe candidate, the upper age limit is relaxable by 5 years.

5. Other Terms and Conditions of appointment :
(a) The service of the Court Manager is terminable either by the Appointing Authority without assigning any reason with prior one month’s  notice,  or on payment  of one month’s salary in lieu of notice;
(b) The Court Manager may also resign from service by giving one month’s notice or he/she being paid one month’s salary in lieu of notice;
(c) The place of work for all the Court Managers will be at the High court at Calcutta or any court under superintending control of and subordinate to the High Court at Calcutta, as may  be  directed  by  the  Hon’ble  Chief  Justice.  The  Court  Managers,  in  case  of administrative exigency, are liable to be transferred from one Court to another;
(d) The Court Managers will have to perform to the satisfaction of the District Judge when they are posted in the districts and to the satisfaction of the Registrar General when they are posted in the High Court.

6. Procedure for Selection :
The eligible candidates shall have to appear in Written Examination, the subject and syllabus of which will be published in the Court’s website and will be communicated to the candidates concerned with the call letter for appearing in the Written Examination. On the basisof the result of the Written Examination, a number of candidates will be selected for Viva-voce and skill in computer operation may also be tested. On the basis of the result of the Written Examination, skill in Computer operation and Viva-Voce, a final merit list will be prepared. The  Functions  and  Responsibilities  of Court  Managers  have  been  described  in  The
Calcutta High Court Service (Conditions of Service and Recruitment of Court Manager) Rules, 2012” amended from time to time.
7. The eligible candidates may submit neatly hand-written or typed applications on plain paper of legal size (8.5” X 14”), addressed to the Registrar General, High Court, Calcutta, giving particulars as under :-

(1) Full Name of the Candidate (in capital letters).
(2) Father’s/Husband’s Name.
(3) Nationality.
(4) Date  of  Birth  (must  be  supported  with  attested  copies  of  proper  
(5) Actual age on the date publication of Employment Notice
(6) Full Postal Address (with contact telephone no.) (all communications will be  
made to the concerned candidates through Speed Post, and as such the candidate 
must mention the appropriate PIN Code)
a. Present
b. Permanent 
(7) Educational Qualification : (must be supported with attested copies of proper  
documents / Certificates)