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  • this is an educational and jobs informing website for all the people who want to get information about the new jobs and education information of the area and country.

  • This website or blog is a Educational Portal of Hayana and India. Here we Provides full Education and Jobs information of haryana and India. All information of the jobs and education like results , Admission alert , Job's advertisement etc.we provides from other sources of the official websites of the informer or department if any harm by our links or information we are not responsible for this cause.

  • All the information on this website is posted by a team who collect all the information from other websites and Edu. Departments that's why we are not fully sure about the truth of the advertisement or information.

  • We provides fully free internet services without any revenue / earning if any one will be charged for using this website or charged by any link we are not responsible for this.

  • While our every post created very securely however any bad infect you face or get by our privacy we are very sorry this will be become the part of the history and none record-able.

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