
Syllabus of 12th Biology haryana open school

Board of School Education Haryana, Bhiwani
Senior Secondary syllabus
12th Syllabus of Biology (Open) Haryana open school
syllabus of 12th Biology haryana open school

Board of School Education Haryana, Bhiwani
syllabus Biology

Unit II
Reproduction in organisms – Asexual, sexual and vegetative reproductions, reproduction in flowering plants – Flowers, perfertilization structure and events, apomixes and polyembryony. Development of seeds and fruits.

Human Reproduction – The male reproductive system, female reproductive system, Gametogensis, menstrual cycle, Fertilization and implantation, pregnancy and embryonic development, parturition and lactation.

Reproductive Health – Problem and strategies, population explosion and birth control, medical termination & pregnancy. (MTP), STD and intertility.

UNIT VII Genetics and Evolution

Mendelian inhentance, Chromosome theory of inhentance, Deviation from mendelion ration (gave interaction), sex determination in humanbeings XX, XY.

Linkage and crossing over, inhentance pattern of haemophilia and blood groups in human beings.

DNA Replication, transcription and translation. Gene expression and regulation, DNA Finger printing, Genetic code.
Evaluation – Theories and evidences.

UNIT VIII Biology in Human Welfare

Animal husbandry, basic concepts of immunology, vaccines, pathogens, parasites, plant breeding, tissue culture, food production, microbes in house hold processing, industrial production slwage treatment and energy generation.

Cancer & AIDS, adolescence and drug/alcohal abuse.
UNIT IX Biotechnology

Recombinant DNA Technology, application in health, agriculture and industry, genetically, modified organised (GM), biosafety tissues. insulin and B.T. Cotton.
UNIT X Ecology Ecosystem -
Component types and energy, food level, spaies, populationand community.
Ecology adaptation, color of diversity and conservation of biodiversity, National parts and sanctuaries.
Environmental issues – Pollution and deterestation, Global warming, Ozone layer depletion, underground water level, threat to biodiversity (with reference to wild life)

for other syllabus of class 10th subjects

for more information you can visit to official website of hbse.

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