
hbse question paper for 6th stranded haryana board

Sample question paper for hbse class 6th of first semester

question paper for class 6th first semester

Q. 1 Answer the following questions on the basis of your text book ‘Honey Sucle’
 (a) What was Patrick wish?
(b) Who did he choose next ?
(c) why did the emperor reward Taro?
Q. 2 Choose the correct answer: 2X3=6
(a) Patrick was-
 (a) a student   (b) a teacher    (c) a shopkeeper           (d) a tailor
 (b) who did the dog join in the end?
 (a) man     (b) an another dog    (c) a powerful wolf     (d) a big wolf                                      1×3=3
 (c) who was Taro?
 (a) a young farmer                 (b) a young shopkeeper
 (c) a young woodcutter        (d) a young carpenter
Q. 3 Answer the following questions (‘A pact with sun’). 2X3=6
 (a) Where did each of them find a home?
 (b) Why did the farmer’s wife strike the mongoose with her basket?
 (c) Why did the other governor’s grow jealous of the shepherd?
Q. 4 choose the correct answers: 3X1=3
 (I) Which one of the following sums up the story best?
 (a) bird in hand is worth two in bush.
 (b) one is known by the company one keeps.
 (c) a friend in need is a friend indeed.
 (II) The shepherd had not been to school because-
(a) He was very poor  (b) There were very few school in those (c) He was not interested in studies
(III) How many members in the family of farmer?
(a) 1   (b) 3   (c)  5   (d) 7
Q.5 Choose the correct answer:-                 2X1=2
(I) Who are included in a family?
(a) Father and mother    (b) brothers          (c) sisters  (d) all of these 
(II) Who is the writer of the poem “The  Kite”. 
(a)    R.N.Tagore    (b)    Sarojini Naidu       (c)    Mary O’Neill  (d)    Harry behn
Q.6 Write the meanings of the following:             1X10=10
(a) Wrinkled   (b) centuries   (c)   lonely   (d)  swallow 
(e)  forest   (f) storm   (g) need   (h)  tiny   (i)  around  (j) wise
Q.7 Write an application to the principal for Sick leave. 1X10=10
Write an application to the principal for Urgent piece of work.
Q.8 Write an easy: 1X10=10
(a) May best friend               Or                 (b) My school

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